Well it's not so much a Wargaming blog as a Painting miniatures blog...........So where to start?
Originally I started playing 40K 20ish years ago with a Dark Angel Space Marine army, back when a pack of 4 lead figures were $8.00 Aus. I purchased heaps of figures, some of which remain unpainted even today, but to be honest I never really liked the game play side of the original 40K and gave it away around the third addition.
I then moved onto WHFB and started a Dark Elves army only to get pissed right off at it when GW completely failed to release half the miniatures in the codex. I wandered around and collected an undead army ....got board of painting bone, picked up some Dwarf figures and quite enjoyed painting them but it was when the Bretonnian/Lizardmen addition of Warhammer came out that I settled on Bretonnia as the army for me. I had always had an interest in Dark Age/ Early Middle ages history and since the bulk of the figures had been sculptured by the Alan & Michael Perry, two people who know more than a little of that period, I started to collect, paint up and play a new army and then..............I lost interest in wargaming.
I not so much lost interest, just lost time. Families happened, moving states and jobs happened and 10 years rocketed passed and now I have a 9 year old who has developed an interest of all things Orky/40K.
So, once more into the breach and all that....but slowly since you almost need to mortgage your house to buy a new 40k army nowadays. I still have my Dark Angel army which has expanded with the new 40k starter box and an interest in the Tau, Saga - the Dark Age skirmish game & Bolt Action.
Lets see what happens.
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